How I Caught an STD

Eeew! She's nasty!..... I know right. Probably the first thought that comes to mind with this topic. Truth be told, we allll need to experience an STD, everyone. It's probably the only thing that will get many of us to the doctor.

Okay now let's get to it, I'm pretty sure many of you are wondering why the heck would she even be discussing this? Isn't that embarrassing to be sharing with the world? NOPE! Not at all. I knew that something was wrong with me, for a very long time. But it took me awhile to seek help. I felt ashamed. I felt used. I felt uncomfortable. But I became comfortable with my discomfort. Sound familiar?

God spoke to me and I realized what I needed.

THAT IS WHAT LED ME TO a Spiritual Transforming Desire (STD). I NEEDED IT! It didn't matter what success I'd conquered. Didn't matter how many goals I had accomplished. I just was NOT happy, I had no joy, no peace, full of stress, depression, & anxiety.

Until I changed myself inside, my heart posture, my spirit, life would continue to be miserable for me.

Some of us struggle with depression and anxiety. We allow people to diagnose us, or even diagnose ourselves. There's nothing wrong with identifying the problem, but we soak in it. NO! This is when you need to do the total opposite of what your body is telling you to do.

If your body tells you to lay in the dark and soak in misery, make yourself get up and get active. Indulge in something you love. If your body is telling you to freak out over minor things, you make the decision to stay calm and think before reacting. Depression and anxiety are spiritual discrepancies that do NOT come from Christ. Do you know what that means, that means we have the tools to defeat it. But it HAS to be done in the spirit, start with your mind.

Everything in the natural HAS to remain subject to the spirit. That just means, you control what happens with you. No one else... YOU. We can't control everything that happens to us, but we can control what we choose to do with it. Use it for your benefit!

Change your perspective and just watch and see how your life transforms. Ask God for a Spiritual Transformation, everything else will follow suit! It's starts on the inside. Remember it's MIND OVER MATTER!


"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."

-Maya Angelou

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